About Us

Big, Bright, and Beautiful.

Once a small, home-run landscaping team with 3 staff members, Landscape Art, like all things in nature, has grown and blossomed over time.

Founded and lead by Anne Pierce, the company started out in 2001 as a garden installation team focusing on the Atlantic Seaboard. Hand drawn designs, early mornings, and late nights, the success of Anne and her teams hard and relentless work became evident. However, as demand for their services increased, so did their workload. Time suddenly became valuable, and in short supply.

Frustrated at the long and costly drives to wholesale nurseries for a handfuls of plants, Anne did what Anne does, and created a solution for her own problem, and other Cape Town Landscapers alike.

Bringing her resources together, and with the loving assistance of her husband Bob Pierce, a new local habitat for a variety of affordable plants was created.

Opening its doors in 2013, Landscape Art Garden Centre finally had a home of its own.

With a small retail team, and many of her original staff from 2001, things began to take off.

Investing both in her company and staff, Anne paid for training courses in Horticulture, Botany, and Irrigation. Assisting personally and financially in the education of her staff, she provided them with the opportunities to develop and enrich their lives. Teaching many the technicalities of hand-drawn and computer-generated garden designs, plant care and garden installation.

It is easy to see that Landscape Art Garden Centre is founded not only on hard work and dedication, but on love and care.

And like all things which are nurtured, once more Landscape Art found itself to have outgrown its home, and being capable of so much more.

In 2020 the Big Green Building that is now considered something of a landmark in Seapoint, Cape Town arrived.
Providing well over a thousand different plant species, garden accessories and offering exceptional landscaping services, the company has somehow managed to maintain its feeling of family.

With staff who care for clients and colleagues alike, guidance and onsite assistance from Anne and Bob Pierce, everyone is appreciated in this little haven of nature.

It takes all types to create a home.
Welcome to ours.

Browse our collection.

Come & check out our plants